I fully concur with the observations expressed by various members of the mailing list regarding security implications of, for example, man-in-the-middle (MITM) scenario type attacks when offering HTTP traffic (even when just offered in addition to HTTPS traffic).

Take the scenario of malware injected into an MP3 or OGG stream by a MITM attack scenario as described, for example, in [1]. Albeit the fact this has yet to be observed in the wild, it takes only one flawed media player in combination with the scenario as described in the quoted paper (and may this be as a third-party component carrying a zero-day and not even intended by the author - as the recent log4shell example clearly shows) to wreak havoc on desktop environments, mobile devices and beyond...

Switching to a HTTPS-only approach eliminates this risk once and for all - a small price to pay given that even today's mobile / embedded devices carry enough computing power to address this without much overhead. Given the fact that even legacy devices contain enough computing power (by offloading crypto-processing to GPUs, for example; [2] dates back more than ten years; a), I don't see an issue with even older hardware being powerful enough to support modern encryption used by, say, TLS. More recent FLOSS approaches prove to be even more powerful [3].

Just my $.02 :-).

        Cheers, Chris
        (CISSP, CSSLP, CEH)

[1] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288646143_Code_Injection_Attacks_on_HTML5-based_Mobile_Apps_Characterization_Detection_and_Mitigation
[2] https://github.com/heipei/engine-cuda
[3] https://github.com/intel/QAT_Engine
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