We are publishing the data in the form of a SQL db and static HTML, and I'm very happy for there to be multiple ways to produce the web mirror.

[DB + Static HTML Pages] → some tech → Working site on your domain.

If there are multiple approaches then all the better. Anyone can start a proof of concept for their tech of your choice and record a show about it.


On 2022-06-26 17:05, Mike Ray wrote:

I suggest that if something new is going to be developed then it should be in Perl, using either Dancer or Mojolicious as the framework.

This I suggest since Dave is a Perl enthusiast, and I am currently professionally engaged in Perl development of a system comprised of both CGI, and psgi components.

It could even be containerised and then easily movable from host to host. Using a container with nginx and uwsgi serving up the pages. And another container with MySQL in it.

Whatever it is, it should not be PHP. And the pages should use templates so as to separate back-end from front-end design work.

At a pinch, my second suggestion would be Python and either Django or Flask.

But there is likely to be less of a legacy of Python skills in the current HPR 'staff'.

Don't take this to be me volunteering to give much time, as my time is currently over-subscribed. But this might reduce later in the year as some heavy research I am engaged upon comes to an end.

I will, of course, be hauling HPR over the a11y coals if I detect any hint of a problem :-)

How many great shows could we get out of a complete rewrite of the whole enchilada?

Oh, and keep the bleeping Javascript to a minimum.

On 26/06/2022 15:26, Ken Fallon wrote:
On 2022-06-25 22:32, Klaatu wrote:
I think what you are saying is that HPR requires a full rewrite.

I think what you are proposing is that we forget that the existing code
exists, because it's not worth "saving", and instead develop new open source
code to replace it.

If that's correct, then I agree. Let's not dwell on broken code that nobody loves, but move forward with new open source code that actually meets the
site's requirements (and ideally makes the admins' lives easier).


Yes got it in one.


Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)

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