Below is an email I received from a co-worker:
"Summary:  Currently, when rundig is executed the old database files are overwritten during the process, making htsearch inoperable for 30-60 minutes. Please change the htdig.conf to have it use temporary database files during rundig. It's an option you just have to turn on. Shouldn't have to look far...
The problem right now is that it's removing the database files when you run htdig. Check the documentation at, specifically about the configuration, to see how to modify /htdig/conf/htdig.conf to have it use temporary files while indexing (running htdig)"

Recently, we moved to a new server, and I reinstalled htdig on that new server. After much trial and travail, I got the search engine working, the right header and footer specified etc., etc.

A couple days ago, a co-worker discovered that htdig was not automatically reindexing itself - result: new pages weren't in the search database. So he went to xxxxxxxx/cgi- bin/rundig  and ran the indexer - it took 30-60 minutes to reindex, during which time the search engine didn't work.
1) Are we right in the assumptions we're making above (the temp files are being destroyed and are thus not available during indexing) and
2) if so, how do I change the conf file so that the temporary files will be available to the search engine during indexing - - so that the search engine will still work during indexing?
Thanks in advance for any advice. Much appreciated.
Steve Murray

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