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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, aPRiL 13, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Fake roach creates real scare
  • Barbie becomes champion for the disabled
  • Seven-year-old drives car in search of cereal
  • Frigate commander reprimanded for photo of nude female crew
  • Neighbors snub Martha Stewart

  • Fake roach creates real scare

    ATLANTA -- Put away that can of Raid next to the remote. The cockroach you see crawling around the TV screen is probably on the inside.

    An Orkin Pest Control commercial that features a realistic-looking roach crawling across the screen has given a number of viewers the creeps. Two people even threw things at the imagined intruder, damaging their TVs.

    You'LL CLiCK iN
    BuT You WoN'T CLiCK ouT

    Barbie becomes champion for the disabled

    LOS ANGELES -- With one plastic hand permanently molded into the sign for "I love you," the new "Sign Language Barbie" debuted this week to help educate girls about American Sign Language.

    Through her 41-year career Barbie has inspired young girls in her roles of astronaut, designer, and doctor among others, but has never been a champion for the disabled. A spokesman for Mattel, the company that produces the doll, added that although Barbie teaches sign language she herself is not deaf or disabled.

    i'Ve GoT "CLiCK HeRe BaRBiE"
    Do You?

    Seven-year-old drives car in search of cereal

    TACOMA, Washington -- Seven-year-old Perley King really wanted some Cheerios. So much so that he took his dog and jumped in his sister's car to go find the cereal.

    Perley's journey through some of the cities busiest streets got him into trouble, but any punishment will likely be forgotten when Perley gets a one-year supply of Cheerios and other presents from General Mills, the maker of the cereal.

    CaN i GeT MiLK WiTH THaT CLiCK?

    Frigate commander reprimanded for photo of nude female crew

    THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- A Dutch frigate commander has been reprimanded because of a picture of 11 female crew members baring their breasts to passing NATO ships. The photo appeared on the front page of Amsterdam's De Telegraaf newspaper on Monday.

    Navy officials suspect the event took place last summer, resulting in the photo being passed around on the Internet via e-mail.

    You'RE oN CaNDiD CaMeRa

    Neighbors snub Martha Stewart

    WESTPORT, Connecticut -- Martha Stewart is moving out of her wealthy Connecticut suburb, fed up with what she calls an "unfriendly neighborhood atmosphere" and a difficult commute to Manhattan.

    Stewart says she's barely friendly with any of her neighbors anymore, adding that she offered fresh eggs or garden produce to newcomers, and was rebuffed twice -- "once with a slammed door!"

    CHeCK ouT MY NeW LiNe oF CLiCK HeReS

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