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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, JuNe 15, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • CornCam attracts Web visitors from around the world
  • Tony the cat, expensive and stolen
  • Judge settles case with own money
  • Clay VW model leaves block unsold
  •   Plus:
  • MOVIE OF THE WEEK: puppy rescue
  • CornCam attracts Web visitors from around the world

    DES MOINES, Iowa -- An Iowa farmer has aimed a camera at his corn field and made the view available to Web surfers from around the world.

    CornCam updates every 15 minutes allowing visitors, who number in the tens of thousands, to follow the corn stalks growth inch by inch. Patrons from around the world e-mail their appreciation daily.

    See FoR YouRSeLF

    Tony the cat, expensive and stolen

    LONDON -- Antonio B. Pinardan, a 2-year-old Ankara Turkish Angora, was snatched by a cat burglar on Monday.

    Due to recent export restrictions, the feline is valued at somewhere in the neighborhood of $375,000. The owner says he saw the thief jump into a car with foreign plates. All ports and Interpol have been warned, said police.


    Judge settles case with own money

    WASHINGTON -- A Judge in Fairfax, Virginia handed $250 to the attorney of a landlord suing a deaf couple to pay arrears on their rent, The Washington Post printed on Saturday.

    The couple fell behind on rent after their 1999 marriage resulted in a cut in disability benefits. Four attorneys in other cases followed the judges lead, pushing the total contribution up to $1,250.

    RaiSe YouR RiGHT FiNGeR aND CLiCK aFTeR Me

    Clay VW model leaves block unsold

    NEW YORK (CNN) -- The Volkswagen Beetle was perhaps the world's most lovable car in its first incarnation 20 years ago. The '90s version of the Bug, likewise, has VW fans swooning.

    Now car-design buffs could get another chance to own a piece of Beetle history. Christie's tried to sell VW's clay model of the auto in an auction of other 20th-century masterworks. But the highest bid fell short.


    MOVIE OF THE WEEK: puppy rescue

    HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- A very young dog went exploring and disappeared down a pipe. His whimpers could be heard from the hole in the ground.

    But after two hours of digging, the dog's rescuers put down their shovels and decided to flush the pup out of the pipe.

    i oNCe HaD a PuPPY
    He LiKeD To CLiCK aND CLiCK and CLiCK Me

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