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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, JuNe 22, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Man rescued after getting stuck -- up to his hips -- in portable toilet
  • Bizarre helicopter flight exposes attempt at new drug gang
  • Bankrupt man finds a dollar worth much more
  • Industry group against Halifax anti-scent laws
  •   Plus:
  • MOVIE OF THE WEEK: dung-spitting
  • Man rescued after getting stuck -- up to his hips -- in portable toilet

    HUNTINGDON VALLEY, Pennsylvania -- After losing his keys inside a portable toilet, an unidentified man removed his shoes and pants and climbed into the lower chamber to retrieve them. But then he got stuck.

    Kids playing nearby told their parents, who then called police. After being freed by emergency response workers, the man had to have doctors remove the toilet seat.

    PiNCH YouR NoSe
    HeRe We GoeS

    Bizarre helicopter flight exposes attempt at new drug gang

    MEXICO CITY -- The plan started off smoothly. Four table dancers from a Mexico City nightclub disguised as anthropologists landing in a helicopter for a study were attacked by four other men disguised as Mexican Zapatista rebels. The "rebels" forced one pilot off and told the other to fly south. But then the helicopter ran out of fuel.

    According to the head of the Mexico office for Interpol the incident was an attempt to create a new drug operation.

    "ReBeLS" CLiCK HeRe

    Bankrupt man finds a dollar worth much more

    MOUNTAIN HOME, Arkansas -- Frank Wallis had just completed personal bankruptcy when he stumbled onto a financial windfall.

    Wallis recently bought four rolls of Sacagawea $1 gold coins. After examining the coins he found that one of them was misprinted. The face of George Washington was engraved into one side of a coin. The error could be worth up to $100,000.

    e PLuRiBuS CLiCKuM

    Industry group against Halifax anti-scent laws

    HALIFAX, Nova Scotia -- A lobby group is trying to overturn a ban on perfumes, after-shave and scented hairsprays and deodorants in the port city of Halifax.

    The bylaw was passed in 1996 to prevent illness caused by allergies and other discomforts. But the Scented Product Education and Information Association of Canada said on Tuesday that it's time to make a change.

    SMeLL You LaTeR
    CLiCK HeRe NoW

    MOVIE OF THE WEEK: dung-spitting

    LONDON (CNN) -- Dung-spitting seems unlikely to ever gain acceptance as an Olympic sport, but you never know.

    After all, contestants recently gathered in London for what was not the first but the second annual round of dung-spitting championships.


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