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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, JuLY 13, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Olympian Ben Johnson races -- after his wallet
  • Woman recaptured after escaping police by faking labor
  • Man arrested after joyride in milk truck
  • Men's lipstick ads running in Toronto
  •   Plus:
  • MOVIE OF THE WEEK: roaches to riches
  • Olympian Ben Johnson races -- after his wallet

    ROME -- Banned Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was robbed by a group of gypsy children while walking through the streets of Rome on Wednesday, police said.

    The thieves distracted Johnson then snatched his wallet and ran. The former 100-meter world record holder raced after them. He caught one of the children but a few of the others managed to outsprint him.

    oN YouR MaRK
    GeT SeT

    Woman recaptured after escaping police by faking labor

    BOSTON -- Last Friday a woman escaped police by urinating on a court room floor, claiming her water had broken and that she was in labor.

    Paramedics arrived and seeing the puddle of liquid below the heavyset woman, rushed her to the hospital. She later she slipped out of her room.

    The woman was recaptured on Wednesday at a friend's appartment.

    GeT Me SoMe HoT WaTeR, ToWeLS aND a CLiCK

    Man arrested after joyride in milk truck

    ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico -- Paul Wright was arrested on Sunday after allegedly stealing a milk truck, running red lights with it and smashing it into a police cruiser.

    It all started when a sales manager from the dairy company witnessed a milk truck run a red light. The manager said when he confronted the driver inside a gas station the man yelled, "Give me $3 or I'm blowing this place up" and then sped off in the milk truck.

    MiLK: iT DoeS a CLiCKeR GooD

    Men's lipstick ads running in Toronto

    TORONTO -- Ads showing a closeup of a man's unshaven face with his lips painted bright colors such as purple or green began appearing on buses and streetcars in Toronto last month.

    It was all part of a fake ad campaign that drove viewers to a website to guage how effective it is to advertise in city buses. The operators of the site said the campaign has generated a lot of interest in a lipstick product for men.

    DoN'T GiVe Me No LiP
    GiVe Me a CLiCK

    MOVIE OF THE WEEK: roaches to riches

    MIDLAND PARK, New Jersey -- Stop! Don't crush that cockroach. At least not until you see whether there's a bar code on its back.

    Seems a group of American exterminators looking for publicity tagged 350 of the critters and set them loose for bounty-hunters. One roach in particular could make you rich faster than you could say "Regis Philbin."

    SMooSH iT, MaSH iT, SQuiSH iT, CLiCK iT

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