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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, auGuST 10, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Housewife in Brazil finds human finger in bag of popcorn
  • Prison caterer now eating own food
  • Illinois nudist sent to jail, again
  • U.S. ambassador's daughter says British boys 'suck'
  • Housewife in Brazil finds human finger in bag of popcorn

    SAO PAULO, Brazil -- A Sao Paulo housewife found a human finger in her bag of Magic of Oz-brand popcorn last month.

    Lab tests confirmed the digit was indeed human, the Estado news agency reported. The snack maker said an employee did injure a finger at a local plant, but the finger had been amputated at the hospital.

    PuT YouR FiNGeR WHeRe iT CouNTS

    Prison caterer now eating own food

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil -- A prison caterer known as the "King of the Lunch Box" is now being fed his own poorly-rated food.

    Multimillionaire Jair Coelho was jailed pending formal fraud and racketeering charges related to his lucrative contract to supply prison food. Prisoners and prison officials have criticized the quality of the boxed meals.

    CHeW oN THiS

    Illinois nudist sent to jail, again

    PEKIN, Illinois -- On Tuesday, 77-year-old Robert Norton was sent to jail on two misdemeanor charges, one of which resulted from his habit of walking around his yard while naked.

    Norton has been arrested for appearing in the buff at least 20 times since 1962. In the past, he reportedly stripped after being released from jail, only to be arrested once again.

    GeT THe BaRe FaCTS

    U.S. ambassador's daughter says British boys 'suck'

    LONDON -- The 15-year-old daughter of the U.S. ambassador to Britain revealed her harsh feelings about the local boys in this month's Tatler magazine.

    Mary-Catherine Lader said she has found British boys to be scrawny, pale, cheap and anti-social. "At first I gave all the boys who had underwhelmed me the benefit of the doubt but, after three years, I've finally distinguished what it is -- that American guys have it and Brits don't," she wrote.

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