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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, auGuST 17, 2ooo
  In this edition:
  • Police solve mystery of sleeping bear
  • British charity offers "vasectomy tourism service"
  • Scholar paints portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, the father
  • Prison prank leaves inmates itchy
  •   Plus:
  • MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Making tracks to New York's drive-in movie exhibit
  • Police solve mystery of sleeping bear

    ADAMS, Massachusetts -- Mary Lowry called police when she discovered a 4-foot-long black bear sleeping in her garden.

    Police tried to rouse the animal with sirens and a noismaking device, but the creature wouldn't stir. Finally they prodded it and realized why it wouldn't move; it was only a teddy bear.

    CLiCK FoR THe BeaR FaCTS

    British charity offers "vasectomy tourism service"

    LONDON -- A British family planning service says it's offering vasectomies to its French neighbors in the "spirit of European togetherness."

    Marie Stopes International set up the day trip to counteract a 200-year-old French law banning the surgical procedure.

    CLiCK, SNiP aND SeaL

    Scholar paints portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, the father

    ROME -- A Leonardo de Vinci scholar says the Renaissance master may have fathered an illigitimate son, going against the general assumption the artist was gay.

    The scholar's theory is based on a 1479 letter to da Vinci referring to a "Paulo of Leonardo da Vinci from Florence."

    LeoNaRDo Da TRuTH, CLiCK HeRe

    Prison prank leaves inmates itchy

    KENT, Washington -- A corrections officer is on administrative leave after he admitted to sprinkling itching powder in four prisoners' bed linens.

    All four inmates have filed grievances, including one who developed a rash.


    MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Making tracks to New York's drive-in movie exhibit

    NEW YORK (CNN) -- At the height of their popularity, there were about 4,000 drive-in movie theaters in the United States. Now, there are about 500.

    A photo exhibit at New York's Deutsche Bank Gallery pays homage to drive-ins in their heyday -- and their decline.


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