Hi all,

Sorry for being out of the picture for a while. There's a lot of stuff
going on here, good work! Anyway, I'd like to bring out a binary
release for Windows users, so even those who know nothing of
programming or related issues can enjoy a recent version of hugin
without doing anything in return (a donation maybe).

I built 2009.2 on my system, as well as ap-sift-c 2.5.1, they both
seem to work fine on the limited testing I've done. Two small glitches
involving glut: 1 glut dll is not installed into bin directory by
MSVC. . 2 This generates an error even if you don't have gpu-stitching
on in the preferences. Manually copying removes the error
My graphics card doesn't support gpu stitching so I couldn't test

Anyway, as far as I can remember the main problem in bringing out a
windows package (including dependencies) was enblend. From what I've
read while catching up this is still not solved.

Before I stopped working on it, I had almost finished a release
package with an old version of enblend (the one distributed with the
0.7 binary). Should I go ahead and prepare a test version of a
complete package of hugin with this old version, so the package can be
tested by some of you and then released to the public? Or are there
reasons to wait a little until the enblend issue is solved?

cheers, allard
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