> no panomatic is definitely not in the SDK. and it adds "short term"
> problems - until the patent (SURF) expires.
> I think we need to follow the lead of the Mac OSX builds and make
> separate installers for the CP generators. But I also think that this
> should come after the SDK-build, binaries-build and installer
> compilation work well enough in sync. not now. for now leave it as it
> is, but leave it "broken" (i.e. don't add panomatic itself).

I was recently looking for that patent on SURF. I couldn't find it.
Not in the USPTO database at least, and not in Google either. The SURF
homepage doesn't mention a patent. And none of the inventors -by which
I mean the authors of the original paper- have the patent listed in
their CV's or publication lists as far as I could find. All I could
find was the *implementation* of SURF (confusingly called SURF) which
is proprietary and not allowed for commercial use. See
http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/~surf/download.html . Copyright is
mentioned, not a patent. And then there's a bunch of open source
implementations under GPL licence like OpenSurf (http://
code.google.com/p/opensurf1/ ) or MIT license like libmv (http://
code.google.com/p/libmv/wiki/SurfImplementation). They don't mention
anything about patents. I couldn't find the patent for the algorithm
anywhere. The only places I found that claim the algorithm is patented
are this list and the panomatic page http://aorlinsk2.free.fr/panomatic/
. Am I that bad at searching, is it really patented? If any of you can
point me to the patent that would be great. If not, I'll send one of
the inventors an email to clarify the matter.
Until this is solved I'll take panomatic out of the install script and

> My recent experience, with both CMake and the MSVC projects, was when
> Jim asked for a Windows binary of the layout codeline. At first nothing
> worked. Then Jim fixed it, at least partially. The overall build would
> still fail but the library (which is what is needed for Hugin) built
> well and worked well. I am not sure if in the meantime the building of
> the tools themselves has improved in Windows (and the tools themselves;
> and the related perl Panotools-scripts by Bruno are something to
> consider when expanding the installer).

I was using Cmake. There's a few unfound files that Cmake comes with,
mostly in WxWidgets. The same errors show up in the hugin build but
they never cause problems

Then there's these two that don't show up in the hugin CMakecache.txt


Could that be part of the problem?


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