>From my perspective, which is mostly a user's view, not a programmer's
view, the fast preview could be enhanced with:

-shortcut keys, especially for the different modes that determine what
the mouse does (crop, drag, identify etc). I've always liked the way
Labview implemented this (though you have know how to activate it
since a few versions): the <tab> button scrolls through the different
modes. That means you don't have to remember the shortcuts.
-settings in the preferences that determine the quality/speed trade-
-customizable toolbars, so you can choose what is immediately
available and what goes into a menu
-Better colour/exposure accuracy without the huge delays. Probably
impossible for older hardware. Maybe combined with something that can
detect and display what your hardware is capable of so that this point
can be improved for those who have the right stuff, and others can
find the reason why it's not.

I realize some of these things are probably not easy to implement,
it's just to say what my ideal world would look like.
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