On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 09:07:47PM -0400, Yuval Levy wrote:
> initial "palette" mockup attached. Icons will need to be designed. Have 
> not thought of full screen mode yet - IMO it is a no brainer and when 
> the fast preview is the hub it should open full screen only.

I hate programs that think they are the only one on my computer and
go full-screen automatically. 

If I'm working with a single program I may want to dedicate 80-90% of
my screenspace to this program, but almost never "all".

So to me "full screen" is 90% of my pixels. Or maybe 45% on my dual
screen setup... 

All this tells you is that this is a personal preference. 

- Make it a preference setting. 
- just start up the way the user left it last time. 
- both of the above. (settings: normal window, full size, leave at previous)


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