On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 03:27:07PM +0200, Harry van der Wolf wrote:

> As I will go on holiday this saturday I don't have time time to
> build a 64bit version to see how much memory enblend is trying to
> use. If the new patched 64bit version uses, for example, 5GB and
> than finishes fine, it means that we need to switch to 64bit builds
> for larger images and the user needs to be at least on Leopard. If
> it still runs "into infinity" (and make my system crash) than the
> issue is still not solved.

I don't think enblend needs much memory. On my system I use the
default -m 1024, which tells enblend to limit memory usage to 1Gb of
memory. In that case, it uses 1036 Mb of memory on my
system. Apparently It limits "image data" to 1Gb, and uses a few
megabytes for storage of other stuff (program seam lists, etc).

When it crashes with out of memory, it's been doing something with
slists that the slist library can't handle.

What do I need to do to reproduce? I'll track this one down as well.
(I still have george's images). 


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