> On August 15, 2010 11:53:26 pm Dale Beams wrote:
> > As you can tell, after the optimization, things went haywire.
> On the Assistant tab, there are two fields: Focal Length and Focal Length 
> Multiplier.  Check their values.  Here they return incorrect values after 
> loading my images.  I don't have time to look at it, but it may be a bug in 
> reading the EXIF data.

I'm using Image-ExifTool located here


built from http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Compiling_Ubuntu#Exiftool

and had considered this might be part of the problem. The EXIF data did
cross my mind.  However, if your using the libimage-exiftool-perl and
having the same issues, then I assume that it doesn't matter what EXIF
tool I'm using.

> It's a garbage in -> garbage out situation, with potentially multiple types 
> of 
> garbage:

Almost.  Other programs are taking garbage in and producing recycled
garbage (usable garbage).

Thanks for looking at the problem. Would it help if there was a small
fund on rent-a-coder or similar site to speed the examination of the


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