I'm glad the subject came up.

I was going to request some info added to CMakeLists.txt.  I noticed that 
libboost-fielsystem-x is mentioned in enblend as optional, but upon building it 
states boost has failed.  I'm not sure if there is another check or if the 
syntax/routine is incorrect and it's not responding with the correct message.  
Morever, when building later, and upon using Hugin, I get boost not installed 
as well.  If libboost-filesystem and libboost-system is optional it would be 
nice to leave it out of a bare bones build as it drags in a lot of "junk".  
There is also a section in enblend about RPM, etc. that is not in the others.  
Not sure if should have been there across all CMakeLists.txt.

I noticed the CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS="libpano13" in the hugin 
CMakeLists.txt a couple of weeks ago and was going to suggest doing this for 
enblend as well but have been so busy with work I've not been able to get 
around to it.

I think the build instructions on the web is wonderful and don't think I could 
have put them togather myself.  I'd like to clean them up, as well as possible 
create seperate pages for seperate releases (ie, 9.04, 9.10).  Or at least for 
the supported releases from Ubuntu.  One of the things I noticed is that not 
all dependenices are listed the further you move down the list, but assumed 
because they've been already installed previously for other builds.  However 
this presents a problem for builds such as PanoGLViewer, etc.

I've also began stepping through each build to determine if every dependenciy 
is needed during the build, during the installation, and what it belongs to.  
For example, Enblend only needs four dependencies to install after the build.

The build instructions also list packages that I don't believe are being 
maintaned or used anymore.  Matchpoint, FreePV, etc.  Perhaps those should be 
moved to a section "Archived, No longer maintained.  Autotools is another 
section that should be archived imho.

I've attached a "fasttrack" build script.  It's incomplete, but should be 
uniform.  I'd planned on introducing dependencies previous modification of the 
CMakeLists.txt by "echo CMAKE_DEBIAN ... etc >> CMakeLists.txt" (syntax is not 
correct but you get the idea). 

I'd  eventually liked to get a very streamlined set of build instructions for 
each Ubuntu release, a fast track build script so that there is less confusion. 
 There are several comments that have been returned to me that I'm trying to 

1. Hugin is anything but simple to use.
2. There's no way I'm going to try to build that, it looks to complicated.  Do 
you have binaries?
3. Where can I find how to do this or that?

I looked on wikipedia on the math behind a simple equalateral (spelling?) 
projection and finally got a real understanding of the complexity of the math 
behind Hugin and releated programs.  I realize it's no easy task, nor is it an 
easy task building tutorials, workflow, etc.  Add to that most people work for 
a living and what does get's posted is done with precious spare time.  I'm 
really looking for a way to simplify understanding, installation, building for 
an average desktop user.


Fast Track Script - http://www.tatteredmoons.org/hugin/fasttrack.sh

> From: kornel.be...@berlin.de
> To: hugin-ptx@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [hugin-ptx] hugin pre-compiled build for Ubuntu
> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 08:05:17 +0200
> Am Donnerstag 09 September 2010 schrieb Emad ud din Btt:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Many Thanks Dale and Kornel. Yes, It was fresh Ubuntu installation.
> > I have updated it and Hugin is now working. I will update you if I get any
> > error.
> > 
> > On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Dale Beams <drbe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > >  Emaad,
> > > 
> > > You'll also need:
> > > 
> > > sudo aptitude install libwxbase2.8-0
> > > 
> We should add this dependencies for debian in CMakeLists.txt. (RPM does this 
> automatically!) But I fear, the list may be too long, and it depends on how
> hugin is built. On my system (ubuntu 10.04, 64bit) it would be (line 513):
> ...
>       set(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "freeglut3 (>= 
> 2.6.0-0),libatlas3gf-base (>= 3.6.0-24),libboost-date-time1.38.0 (>= 
> 1.38.0-6),libboost-thread1.38.0 (>= 1.38.0-6),libexiv2-6 
> (>=0.19-1),libglew1.5 
> (>= 1.5.2-0),libopenexr6 (>= 1.6.1-4.1),libpano13 (>= 2.9.17),libwxgtk2.8-0 
> (>=")
> ...
> Maybe some statements like e.g.
> if(wxWidgets_FOUND)
>       sett(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "libwxgtk2.8-0 (>= 
> endif()
> etc.
>       Kornel
> > > Dale
> > > 
> -- 
> Kornel Benko
> kornel.be...@berlin.de

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Attachment: hugin_build_script.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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