This may be because the default Ubuntu 10.04 install has libtiff4
libpeonexr6 liblcms1 are installed already.  The entire list those as
you located would include everything.  I suspect this is a better way,
in the event one is building for a earlier release

I'm guessing you have a better idea what needs to be done.

I'm swamped at work and am doing this very slowly on the side.


/* Enblend                              */
cd ~/src/enblend
hg clone
cd ~/src/enblend/
echo "CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS="libpost2c2 libglew1.5 freeglut3
libboost-filesystem1.40.0 liblcms1 libopenexr6 libtiff4"" >>
make package
sudo dpkg -i enblend*.deb
cp *.deb ~/deb/hugin

On Thu, 2010-09-09 at 20:47 +0200, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Interesting. My script gives me
>         freeglut3 (>= 2.6.0-0),\
>         libboost-filesystem1.38.0 (>= 1.38.0-6),\
>         libglew1.5 (>= 1.5.2-0),libgomp1 (>= 4.4.3-4),\
>         liblcms1 (>= 1.18.dfsg-1),\
>         libopenexr6 (>= 1.6.1-4.1),\
>         libplot2c2 (>= 2.6-0),\
>         libtiff4 (>= 3.9.2-2)
> ==> 7 dependencies for enblend/enfuse 

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