On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 09:47:48PM -0500, Yuval Levy wrote:
> > #-hugin cpWeight s0 a0 w100

Hey, do you see a need for an active-weight-zero control point?
Do you see a need for an inactive weight-not-zero control point?

If you set the weight to zero for control points that are not active, 
the optimizer just has to add "cp->weight * " to the line that says

  toterr += this_distance; 

How about: negative weights are "inactive"?

Then my suggestion already doesn't work. Maybe then it would even be
better from a software engineering standpoint to just do it your way.

Why do you thing weight is an integer? 

When you start algorithmically assigning weights, it would make sense
to allow fractional weights. 

What about setting the weight to "1" by default?

Then you can lower the weight by usign values 0-0.99 and increase it
by using values above 1. So if you manually tag a controlpoint as
being very valid, you can increase it outside the normal range.

There are two cases where above-default weights are useful. In the
first case, you simply have a very well defined control point. Say a
perfectly black 90 degree angle on a white background. That will match
up very well with another photo. So you have more confidence in this
point than the noisy controlpoints that cpfind found in a perfectly
blue sky. A weight of say 2 or 3 may be appropriate here. 

In the second case, you have some feature that ends up looking
crooked(sp?) even if just a few pixels off. So you want that control
point to carry more weight than the others. It should be able to pivot
around that point, but land the parameters such that it aligns almost
perfectly. A weight of 100 might be appropriate here (with my
default-is-1.0 scheme). 


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