On Tue 11-Sep-2012 at 11:52 -0700, TvE wrote:

Thomas, can you clarify what you mean by "go over the 180 degree border"?
Do you mean that I have a panorama that covers more than 180 degrees in
some direction? Or that some images cross the nadir or the zenith point?

The mosaic/translation code maps photos into a flat surface. You can think of this surface as a 'virtual' rectilinear photo that sits exactly in the middle of the panorama canvas. This virtual rectilinear photo can be used as part of a 360° spherical panorama, but it still has to be in the middle, and it has to be less than 180°.

So you can include a multiple-viewpoint mosaic of a wall mural in a 360° panorama, but the middle of the panorama canvas, the 'view direction', has to be pointing at the nearest part of the mural, perpendicular to the wall.

Similarly you can include a view of the ground taken from multiple viewpoints into a 360° panorama, but the nadir has to be in the middle of the canvas, not at the bottom. This isn't too much of a problem, it is a simple process to load the equirectangular output into a new Hugin project and level it.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:10:37 AM UTC-7, T. Modes wrote:

> > This looks similar to an older bug with the masking code.  Can you
> > send the .pto project so we can confirm it? (no need to send the
> > photos).

It's not related to the masking code. The issue with the posted
project is the use of the translation parameters. If the images go
over the 180° border the translation parameter does not work. This is
a limitation of the currently chosen approach.
Set all translation parameters to 0 and work without translation.


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