On 28 November 2012 12:10, Carlos Eduardo G. Carvalho (Cartola)
<cartol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Going back to your specific example, I don't think 9mm will have a much
> narrow angle than an 8mm lens. Do you have their fov to compare? Probably
> you will use the same number of images to stitch and will have almost the
> same final image size.

Having shot myself in the past with a 10mm rectilinear lens (Sigma
10-20mm) and a 10mm fisheye (Tokina 10-17mm) I can tell you that the
difference in hfov is very noticeable. It's basically the difference
between 2 rows of 8 shots, nadir, zenith (so 18 shots total) and 6
shots around, nadir, zenith (maybe two, I don't remember right now) so
8 oder 9 shots in total.

You can actually enter the numbers in hugin to get an estimate.
Assuming crop factor 2 9 mm rectilinear yields 90° hfov while 8 mm
circular fisheye yields about 130° hfov.

Back to the original question:
For me the step from a wide angle rectilinear to a fisheye was very
well worth doing. The noticable but bearable quality difference is
outweighted by the much easier stitching with the lower number of
shots, especially so for 360x180s.


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