On Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 1:23:54 PM UTC-5 gunter.ko...@gmail.com 

> I don't know if that is the case here. But if the GUI feels sluggish one 
> typical reason is that you try to update the display for every single mouse 
> event you get sent (which means that if you draw slightly slower than your 
> 19200dpi-7ms-latency-mouse sends data you start to fall behind with work 
> and soon start lagging by a noticable amount). The way to counteract it is 
> to update the display only when you get sent an "idle" event: 

At least on my system, we aren't talking about anywhere near the speed 
implied by your speculation.  This isn't a video game.

I assume wxWidgets is dealing with the issue of getting behind by not even 
calling the onDraw method while previous onDraw calls haven't finished.  
The results are lagging because a single update takes much too long, not 
because of any accumulation  of failure to keep up.

I haven't looked at the lower levels (gtk and x11) where most of the 
performance problem is, because from above wxWidgets I don't have any 
meaningful control over the way wxWidgets calls lower levels.  I certainly 
don't want to expand this effort into modifying wxWidgets.  It is also 
likely (and a big part of my reason for this thread) that the giant problem 
in lower levels doesn't act that way for most hugin users.  By contrast, 
the performance problem in the use of vigra to create the magnifier almost 
certainly does exist for anyone using the magnifier.  It might not make 
overall performance bad enough to be perceived as a problem, but I'm 
confident fixing it would have a noticeable effect for most users.

For my own use, the sluggish scrolling doesn't bother me much (as compared 
to the other things I fixed or enhanced).  But for some of my other changes 
to have a chance of being accepted, I expect the memory savings is needed 
and then that needs to be done in a way that across almost all use makes 
hugin more responsive, not less.  In the current rough version, there are 
probably more use cases in which the basic memory savings change makes it 
less responsive, even though there are also use cases in which this change 
already makes it more responsive.

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