On Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 1:42:25 PM UTC-5 Florian Königstein wrote:

> I have limited knowledge in Linux, so I cannot say much about that.
> Did you take fastPTOptimizer from
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/fastptoptimizer/files/libpano13-2021-06-07.zip/download

> or from the Mercurial repository that I have just generated by forking the 
> current version of libpano13 and merging my changes into it ?
> https://sourceforge.net/p/fastptoptimizer/code/ci/default/tree/

In SourceTree on Windows, I cloned that repository into a directory on a 
share exported by that Windows system.
On Fedora, I created a build directory (outside that windows share) and in 
the build directory ran CMake giving it only the path to the source code in 
the Windows share (no other options).  Then:
make -j32
sudo make install

When taking a snapshot from the Mercurial repo, it should install in the 
> same directory as libpano13 since I didn't change the directories in the 
> CMakeLists.txt file.

Right.  I asked here, rather than just asking you, because I am confident 
the issue is not specific to anything you did.  It is something I failed to 
do, which would be equally required if I had built libpano13 from source 
code rather than installing the official Fedora package.

> Maybe there's a way in the Linux build system to build it only in the 
> directory where the source code has been unzipped (no install in /usr/... ).
> Then you could have separate places for the build files for 
> fastPTOptimizer and libpano13.

I get that if I simply make without make install.   The hard part is 
whether/how the build of hugin can find/use the build of (the fork of) 
libpano13 if it is not installed.

> If you run the GUI for CMake, you can manually enter the paths where the 
> libraries are if CMake doesn't find it automatically or finds it in a wrong 
> place.
I haven't figured out how to run that GUI on Linux (or even if it is 
possible).  Using that GUI on Windows, I specified where to find things 
when trying to build Hugin and its dependencies and never figured out how 
to accomplish anything that way.  Editing the CMakeCache.txt file was the 
only way I ever was able to influence where CMake found things on Windows 
when building dependencies of hugin.  For hugin itself, that method did not 
work, and I never got CMake to find things.

Editing that file on Fedora is on my TODO list for kludging past this 
problem.  But I'm working on many projects at once and did not get to 
trying that yet.  I'd rather know the "right" way.

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