Hi Przemek,

thanks for bringing this up again!

For reference: The new policies can be found here: https://blog.discourse.org/2018/11/free-hosting-for-open-source-v2/

The crucial point of the offering is the following: "There is a bandwidth limit of 50k monthly page views, equivalent to half of our Standard hosting plan.". I remember talking with wolke about our traffic years ago, and we definitely were in this order of magnitude at that time. But back then, it was unclear to us if the traffic has been caused by bots (spammers, search engines) or not. It is also not possible to get the usage data from our current Github pages (without Google Analytics or sth. like this). The only data we currently have is the page views of the GitHub developer site, which are around 100 unique page views per day.

This makes me unsure if we should apply for the free hosting or not. It would be hard if we had to take that forum down again because of the hosting plan :-/

Best regards,


I have just noticed that Discourse changed their terms - they no
longer require 2000 stars, so currently:


* 15+ contributors
* Your project has a clear need for discussions (see FAQ below)
* Please understand that approval is ultimately at our discretion
as we work out the details of this program.
* Must be hosted on GitHub_ GitHub is no longer a requirement._
* 2000+ stars _Star count is no longer a requirement._


So, maybe it’s worth trying.

Ardour (https://discourse.ardour.org [2]) is using Discourse right
now, so we might look at their forums.

Best Regards,

[2] https://discourse.ardour.org

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