Le ven, 14/05/2004 Ã 01:23 -0300, Ricardo Igarashi a Ãcrit :
> On Thu, 13 May 2004 11:26:45 +0200
> "Kent Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [cut]
> > > Although, since compose sequences don't work very well 
> > > together with more
> > > complex input methods, maybe Compose files could be retired, and
> > > usage such as the one I like implemented entirely with the complex
> > > input method. Is that what you have in mind?
> > 
> > I agree. And keyboard layout selection should be tied together with
> > IME selection. E.g. choosing a Japanese keyboard should also select
> > a Japanse IME (or the other way around, not sure which is best; they
> > should not be selected separately though, since they will be designed
> > for eachother).
> Sometimes this is not a good idea.
> For instance, I have a Brazilian keyboard, but sometimes I need to write
> in Japanese. 
> If the language is fixed to the layout, I could have problems to write
> in Japanese (or I would need an extra Japanese keyboard...).
> I have the Japanese version of Windows98 here, and I need a really dirty
> hack to use my Brazilian keyboard, exactly because I cannot mix the
> layout and the language.
> Yes, I agree that this can be a very rare case, but... 

I suspect it's not a rare case at all, and it will become less and less
so. Add the growth of Asian economies to apparition of cheap systems
that can deal with unicode and you get a lot of students all around the
world ready to write stuff in Japanese/Chinese with their
European/American keyboard.

Multi-language is no longer the real of expensive difficult to find
software like ten years ago.


Nicolas Mailhot

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