I agree with John’s suggestions, and just to add another option we could talk 
of “consumers” and “providers” (of I2NSF services)

Be goode,

On 30 Jun 2016, at 06:17 , John Strassner 
<straz...@gmail.com<mailto:straz...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Linda,

As I said, all of the examples are not really **clients**, but **servers** (I 
view the admin as having a "server" role, since the admin is using at least one 
application to configure or monitor functionality).

I'm not sure if this is a "better" name, but I am a distributed systems person, 
and to me, "client" implies "client-server" computing. I see no reason to 
restrict (or imply a restriction of) I2NSF to this model of computing.

I personally prefer "peer". An even more neutral term would be "requestor" (vs 

best regards,

On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 6:28 AM, Linda Dunbar 
<linda.dun...@huawei.com<mailto:linda.dun...@huawei.com>> wrote:

The draft-ietf-i2nsf-framework has those examples of I2NSF clients:

•        An overlay network Mgr (e.g. Video Conference Network Mgr) who needs 
to dynamically inform the underlay network to allow, rate limiting or deny 
flows (some of which are encrypted) based on specific fields in the packets for 
a certain time span.

•        Enterprise Administrators and management system need to request 
provider network to enforce some rules to their specific flows.

•        A IoT management system sending requests to underlay network to block 
flows that match their specific conditions.

Simply put, “I2NSF client” can be users (administrators), different domain 
manager, orchestration system, or others,  who need to specify their desired 
flow policies.

Is there a better name?


From: John Strassner [mailto:straz...@gmail.com<mailto:straz...@gmail.com>]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2016 9:02 PM
To: Linda Dunbar; John Strassner
Cc: I2NSF@ietf.org<mailto:I2NSF@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [I2nsf] Should we call "South Bound Interface" for the interface 
between "controller <-> NSF", and "North Bound Interface" for the interface 
between "Client <-> controller"?

Hi Linda,

During the I2NSF early stage (before the WG was created), "capability 
interface" was used to represent the interface between controller <-> NSF, and 
"service interface" was used to represent the interface between the Client <-> 

The term "capability interface" doesn't bother me. However, I don't think that 
we are using it to its full potential - see below.

The term "client interface" does bother me, because
    1) to me, it implies a client-server architecture (or a 3-tier architecture 
on a stretch), and I don't understand why we should be limited to that
    2) what is the client? To me, a client is a host. Aren't we talking about 
the application here? The examples in your figure are arguably SERVERS,
        not CLIENTS. :-)

As many people use the terminologies loosely, the "Capability Interface" being 
interchangeably used with "Capability Layer", and "Service Interface" being 
interchangeably used with "Service Layer".

Warning, this is probably just me, but...

...I do NOT like "layers", because abstractions should work for everything, not 
just sometimes. Look at our "layers" - we repeatedly violate the true notion of 
a layer (e.g., MPLS). Look at all of the "inter-layer" compatibility problems 
we've had over the years. Why do we need to use layers in I2NSF? I would 
strongly argue to use "interface"; if that is not acceptable, then choose a 
different term (e.g., planes) that does not have the traditional limitations of 

The I2NSF Terminology Draft has defined the "Capability Layer" (independent of 
which interface to the controller) for exposing the capability of a domain 
(over Client Facing   Interface), or for exposing the capability of a NSF (over 
the NSF Facing Interface).

By this definition, ECA Policy’s "Event" capability can be discovered 
independently from the "Condition" capability, or "Action" capability.

Sorry, I disagree.

Events, conditions, and actions are NOT capabilities. Capabilities are defined 
in the Capabilities Draft as:

    Capabilities are functions that NSFs can perform. This interface
    is used to advertise, select, and activate capabilities of selected
    NSFs in a vendor-independent manner.

Put another way, Capabilities are used to define functions that MAY be used. 
There is no guarantee that they will be actually used. Furthermore, Events, 
Conditions, and Actions are used to construct an ECA policy rule. Events, 
Conditions, and Actions are types of Boolean statements (at least in ECA rules) 
and have nothing to do with Capabilities.

While you MAY be able to relate a rule to Capabilities, they are two completely 
separate things.
Therefore, continue using the  “Capability Interface” can cause more confusion 
in the future as its sound is too close to the “Capability layer”.

Agree. So let's get rid of Capability **layer**. It isn't a layer, because...

...wait for it...

...Capabilities could be used to describe NSF functions as well as Controller 
functions. Thus, there is no "layer" in the classical definition of the term 

Therefore, we are asking people to state which of  the following options should 
be used:

1.      Use “Client Facing Interface” for "Client <-> controller"; and “NSF 
Facing Interface” for "controller <-> NSF",

2.      Use “Controller North Bound Interface” for "Client <-> controller"; and 
“Controller South Bound Interface” for “controller <-> NSF", or

Or you can provide a better option.

I choose option 3. :-)

The problem with "Client-Facing Interface" is that I'm not sure what a "Client" 
is in NSF.
NSF-Facing Interface is OK; my problem is, why are we introducing Yet Another 

The problem with Northbound and Southbound is that there is no clear "north" 
and "south" here. Look at all of the projects that propose various data models 
at both the device interface level AND the network management application 
layer. So tell me, which is "south" here? :-)

Now, as for option 3, I'm thinking about it. However, I do think that you have 
spotted an important inconsistency, so let's take time to fix it and not rush 
into rash decisions.

best regards,

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Linda Dunbar 
<linda.dun...@huawei.com<mailto:linda.dun...@huawei.com>> wrote:


Need your opinion for a good name to represent “Client Facing Interface” and 
“NSF Facing Interface” of the I2NSF reference model:
              |      I2NSF Client                                   |
              | E.g. Overlay Network Mgnt, Enterprise network Mgnt  |
              |  another network domain’s mgnt, etc.                |
                         |  Client Facing Interface
                   |Network Operator mgmt|               +-------------+
                   | Security Controller | < --------- > | Developer’s |
                   +----------+----------+  Registration | Mgnt System |
                              |              Interface   +-------------+
                              | NSF Facing Interface
       |                                                   |
       |                                                   |
   +---+--+         +------+             +------+       +--+---+
   + NSF-1+ ------- + NSF-n+             +NSF-1 + ----- +NSF-m +  . . .
   +------+         +------+             +------+       +------+

   Vendor A                                       Vendor B

During the I2NSF early stage (before the WG was created), "capability 
interface" was used to represent the interface between controller <-> NSF, and 
"service interface" was used to represent the interface between the Client <-> 

As many people use the terminologies loosely, the "Capability Interface" being 
interchangeably used with "Capability Layer", and "Service Interface" being 
interchangeably used with "Service Layer".

The I2NSF Terminology Draft has defined the "Capability Layer" (independent of 
which interface to the controller) for exposing the capability of a domain 
(over Client Facing   Interface), or for exposing the capability of a NSF (over 
the NSF Facing Interface).

By this definition, ECA Policy’s "Event" capability can be discovered 
independently from the "Condition" capability, or "Action" capability.

Therefore, continue using the  “Capability Interface” can cause more confusion 
in the future as its sound is too close to the “Capability layer”.

Therefore, we are asking people to state which of  the following options should 
be used:

1.      Use “Client Facing Interface” for "Client <-> controller"; and “NSF 
Facing Interface” for "controller <-> NSF",

2.      Use “Controller North Bound Interface” for "Client <-> controller"; and 
“Controller South Bound Interface” for “controller <-> NSF", or

Or you can provide a better option.

Thanks, Linda

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