
I believe that the document is a good base for future WG work. You know I 
support the idea of a restructuring of these deliverables by merging them in a 
few clusters, but in any case this docu,ent constitutes one important part of 
what have to be the deliverables of the group in terms of data models.

I support the adoption.

Be goode,

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com<mailto:diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com>
Tel:         +34 913 129 041
Mobile:  +34 682 051 091
On 07/04/2018, 00:21, "I2nsf on behalf of Linda Dunbar" 
<i2nsf-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:i2nsf-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of 
linda.dun...@huawei.com<mailto:linda.dun...@huawei.com>> wrote:

The authors of I2NSF capability YANG Data Model 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hares-i2nsf-capability-data-model/ have 
requested working group adoption of this draft.  The Capability data model is 
one of the deliverables of I2NSF WG, which is used by Registration interface 
and NSF interface.

Please bear in mind that WG Adoption doesn’t mean that the draft current 
content is ready, WG Adoption only means that it is a good basis for a working 
group to work on..

While all feedback is helpful, comments pro or con with explanations are much 
more helpful than just "yes please" or "no thank you".

Thank you.

Linda & Yoav


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