i3lock shouldn’t hang around. Can you start stracing all your i3lock
instances automatically and provide the corresponding strace output of a
hung instance in a bugreport?

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Jeff Abrahamson <j...@purple.com> wrote:

> I have a maintenance function that ought not bother spinning the CPU if
> the screen is locked.  It checks this thus:
> if pidof i3lock >/dev/null; then
>     ...
> This is i3-specific, which is sad, but not a huge problem.  What is a
> problem is that i3lock sometimes hangs around even though I think it should
> exit on unlock.  And, indeed, most of the time it does exit on unlock.
> Once in a while, I find I have one or even several i3lock processes hanging
> around.
> I either lock my screen explicitly
> bindsym $mod+Control+L exec i3lock --dpms --inactivity-timeout 10
> --color=220022
> or else it's done by inactivity
> xautolock -detectsleep \
>     -time 3 -locker "i3lock --dpms --color=220022 --inactivity-timeout 10
> --nofork"
> This question thus has two parts:
> 1. Am I doing something wrong that I sometimes have multiple i3lock
> instances?
> 2. Is there a better way to detect screen lock than pidof i3lock?
> Jeff Abrahamson
> +33 6 24 40 01 57
> +44 7920 594 255    <-- only if I'm in the UK
> http://jeff.purple.com/
> http://blog.purple.com/jeff/

Best regards,

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