Thanks! Yeah, the problem is that askpass specifies size flags in
WM_SIZE_HINTS, but doesn't set useful values (it just says 0x0). i3 then
falls back to the floating minimum size, which by default is 75x50. You
should file this as a bug against keepass. keepass should either not set
these flags in the size hints or give them a reasonable value.

It should be noted that these values in the size hints are considered
obsolete[1], but that doesn't mean they won't (or shouldn't) be
interpreted. That's what the flag mask is for. :)



On 11/03/2015 06:51 PM, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
> the i3 log, obtained via i3-dump-log as described on the debugging web page.
> FWIW this was a minimal i3 session, i quit all my apps, just had a termite 
> terminal so i could invoke ssh-add and the i3-dump-log, and it also had a bar 
> running, but nothing else.
> xprop and xwininfo -all output: 
> On Tue, 3 Nov 2015 18:09:10 -0500
> Ingo Bürk <> wrote:
>> Thanks. I sort of figured it'd be that commit. Can you please provide
>> the files I described earlier? This will likely be a bug in askpass. See
>> also the discussions in the end of
>> Ingo
>> On 11/03/2015 06:04 PM, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
>>> thanks Ingo,
>>> due to i3's easy reloading and the fact that i could just run the ssh-add 
>>> command in a terminal without restarting X, the bisect process was very 
>>> easy and smooth.
>>> it found the commit. see below
>>> d1262f2b6ae713266b5a1e8cab368333bb332033 is the first bad commit
>>> commit d1262f2b6ae713266b5a1e8cab368333bb332033
>>> Author: Andrzej Pronobis <>
>>> Date:   Sun Feb 1 17:04:41 2015 -0800
>>>     Use WM_SIZE_HINTS whenever it's provided to set the geometry of 
>>> floating windows.
>>> :040000 040000 e7c887b2b14e2b24830840133045fe0ba232c3e0 
>>> 3dd6d2d2864ab7aaec50cb2bff93031170bd50e8 M  src
>>> ~/w/e/i3 ❯❯❯ 
>>> On Tue, 3 Nov 2015 17:19:02 -0500
>>> Ingo Bürk <> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, a bisect would be useful. You need to run make clean && make &&
>>>> sudo make install (to actually install the new binary -- unless you
>>>> change your xinitrc to run the local file in your checkout instead).
>>>> Restarting X isn't necessary, restarting i3 in-place would suffice. But
>>>> since you have wrapped askpass around the i3 session, you'll indeed
>>>> probably need to exit your X session and startx again.
>>>> Ingo
>>>> On 11/03/2015 04:46 PM, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:  
>>>>> I can confirm the first problem is gone (the window has the correct size) 
>>>>> with 4.10.4
>>>>> However the ghosting problem still exists, though now it also has the 
>>>>> correct size and a black background instead of grey like before.
>>>>> see
>>>>> still want me to do a bisect? for all versions i would just run make 
>>>>> clean && make && restart x using the new i3 binary right? anything else 
>>>>> needed?
>>>>> Dieter
>>>>> On Tue, 3 Nov 2015 16:05:31 -0500
>>>>> Ingo Bürk <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dieter,
>>>>>> can you do the following?
>>>>>> 1) Downgrade to i3 4.10.4 and see if it fixes the problem. If so, please
>>>>>> run a git bisect to figure out which commit broke it. If 4.10.4 has the
>>>>>> same problem, try downgrading askpass or report a bug there.
>>>>>> 2) Provide a complete i3 log file where you started it. See the
>>>>>> debugging docs on the i3 website for information. Also provide the
>>>>>> output of "xprop" and "xwininfo -all" when clicking on the opened
>>>>>> askpass window.
>>>>>> Ingo
>>>>>> On 11/03/2015 03:32 PM, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:    
>>>>>>> hello everyone,
>>>>>>> long time no see! i've been a long time i3 user but only since a recent 
>>>>>>> upgrade i've started having issues with 
>>>>>>> ssh-askpass.
>>>>>>> to be specific, in my .xinitrc I have:
>>>>>>> i3 -d all >> ~/i3-out 2>> ~/i3-err &
>>>>>>> waitpid=$!
>>>>>>> ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_dieter-ws-a7n8x-arch < /dev/null
>>>>>>> (.. some more stuff)
>>>>>>> wait $waitpid
>>>>>>> i posted my i3 config to 
>>>>>>> (it's pretty much 
>>>>>>> default, with a few extra binds and a different bar)
>>>>>>> the ssh-add spawns the x11-ssh-askpass program and since recently i've 
>>>>>>> been seeing these two problems:
>>>>>>> screenshots of both issues @
>>>>>>> 1) the window is way too small. it used to be just the right size for 
>>>>>>> the popup.
>>>>>>> 2) after entering the password and hitting enter, a "ghost" of the 
>>>>>>> window stays stuck in all of my i3 workspaces.
>>>>>>> those workspaces that have windows in them will have the windows cover 
>>>>>>> it, but otherwise if i go to say workspace number 5 while no windows 
>>>>>>> are there, it'll show a ghost of the ask pass window.
>>>>>>> any idea what might be the cause? i'm using 4.11
>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>> Dieter      

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