The question is what you refer to when you talk about Sugar. The concept of an 
app is similar to the concept of an Activity in Sugar. If you want to bring 
educational material to the ipad you have to look at specific Apps like 'Move 
the turtle' which is similar to Turtle Art. 'garageband' is another one 
interesting for older kids. 


Am 13.06.2012 um 07:50 schrieb Steven Thompson <>:

> Even just in English in Japan could help kids. The common denomenator for jhs 
> and hs kids is an iPhone or android and the iPad at home...much more so than 
> buying an Intel Classmate or having a hope of getting an XO. 
> It's not about price or energy requirements here, its about good education 
> for kids. 
> Can we get sugar as a Mac Ap at the Ap Store?
> From: Chris Leonard <>; 
> To: Steven Thompson <>; 
> Cc: Walter Bender <>; 
> <>; <>; 
> <>; 
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Sugar as a Mac Ap? 
> Sent: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 1:10:09 AM 
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Steven Thompson <> 
> wrote:
> Thank you all in this community for your creative dedication. 
> I am considering using sugar for my 4 year old daughter and her friends. 
> Parents have access to iPads. We are in Osaka Japan. 
> Can Sugar be used on an iPad? 
> If not does anyone have any suggestions for getting a group if Japanese kids 
> involved? The benefit of the tablet us that very strong cases can be easily 
> purchased for kid use. Why buy an Intel Classmate when we already have iPads 
> lying around! 
> All suggestions welcome, 
> Steven
> Dear Steven,
> One of the first things that is needed is more complete Japanese localization.
> cjl
> Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
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