My experience with the SFC is that while they like to do license
enforcement, they are not platform purists.  If you look at the bottom of they have their own social media accounts.

The ".fla" file at least in #4758 actually may be the source code in binary
format.  I do not have access to a copy of Shockwave to verify that.
But without knowing the license for the flash content (unless Samson knows
the source; the README is for a different .fla, and I cannot find it) it is
unclear if the bundle as a whole can be GPL v3 licensed.

I do not recall having an active ASLO account to check the other activity
in question.

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Sebastian Silva <>

> On 13/06/17 12:50, Samson Goddy wrote:
> Your mentioning Facebook, iPhone, Windows, Flash, LinkedIn etc, do not fit
> with this agreement, so we would sincerely appreciate if you do not promote
> these entities while representing Sugar Labs.
> Could you explain more, because i dont understand. And also how did you
> think i might breach the agreement?
> While your promoting these entities does not breach the wording of the
> agreement, I believe it goes against the spirit of it. Please review
> information on such as the following articles, to understand why
> such technologies are distributed in bad faith.
> On the other hand, these Sugar Activities (by you) don't have proper
> sources available. This actually is a breach of the agreement, and they
> should have been removed:
> In accordance to the license file on those .xo bundles, I request that you
> share the source for the .swf Flash components embedded if you wrote them,
> otherwise please make sure they are removed from ASLO.
> Regards,
> Sebastian
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