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Caltex Pacific Indonesia to offload a quarter of its staff

Alfean Hardy, Malaysia

Tuesday, September 30, 2003
PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia will begin to lay off over a quarter of its
workforce come October as part of a "rationalisation program". The
company is currently awaiting final approval from the country's Oil and
Gas Executive Board (BP Migas) before it starts letting ago an expected
6,700 workers.

A company official, Poedyo Oetomo, has confirmed that all the proper
procedures have been adhered to and that the retrenchments are part of
the company's rationalisation program brought about by the decline in
operational areas and falling production levels from old wells. Oetomo
believes that this move is a necessity if Caltex Pacific is to remain
competitive in the coming years.

Santos Ltd A.B.N. 80 007 550 923
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