On Fri, 4 Dec 2009 12:01:29 -0700, Frank Swarbrick wrote:

>I'm not the sysprog, so I may not have all of the details, but 
>if I remember correctly these are the issues:
>We have PDSESHARING(NORMAL) in our IGDSMSxx member, 
>"In a multiple-system environment, the system programmer uses 
>PDSESHARING(EXTENDED) to share PDSEs at the member level. 
>A system programmer must specify PDSESHARING(EXTENDED) in 
>the IGDSMSxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB on each system in 
>the sysplex. Every system that is sharing a PDSE must be a 
>member of the sysplex and have the sysplex coupling facility 
>(XCF) active."
>We don't have the sysplex, so we're stuck with 
>This causes problems when one system has a PDSE open and 
>a second system opens it and tries to update it.  Take for 
>example the following scenario, which I just tested.

This has been discussed several times.  Please search the archives.  You can
not share a PDSE outside of a Sysplex.  If you are not in a Sysplex, you can
not share a PDSE with another system.  If you do so, you can expect the PDSE
to break.  You quoted the reference. "Every system that is sharing a PDSE
must be a member of the sysplex and have the sysplex coupling facility (XCF)

Tom Marchant

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