On 10/24/2011 2:10 PM, Lizette Koehler wrote:
A programmer I am working with is getting a file from Unix
which will be sent to the mainframe.  This will be using FTP.

The process is we receive the file from the Unix system and
it is placed on a Windows 2008 server.

Then from the Windows 2008 it is going to be FTP'd to the mainframe.

Is there a way to keep the CRLF command at the end of each line?
And will the mainframe recognize it as a newline?

What we really want is the UNIX file to be individual (FB Lrecl 946)
going into the mainframe.

It seems the Unix CRLF is x'0A' whereas the mainframe is x'25'

Thanks for any advice


Our File RePackager product can handle this. Once you
have a file on your mainframe, you can use the utility
to convert the file to an HFS or zFS file with a
different delimiter, code page, even a different
record type.

Regarding your post, the "Unix CRLF" is X'0D0A';
x'0A' is just LF.

It seems ambiguous from your post if the final file is
to be an MVS dataset with lrecl=946 or a z/OS UNIX file
with lrecl=946. Does the 946 include the record delimiter?
If you are going to have each file be a single record,
why even bother with a record delimiter?

So, first, you need to determine the code page of your file,
and what delimiters are being used on input. If it really
is x'0A' and not x'0D0A', then you could use something
like this for utility input commands:

  ifile path='in_path_name',filedata=T,cp=923,recdelim=lf
  ofile path='out_path_name',filedata=T,cp=37,recdelim=nl

this would convert the file from codepage 923 (ISO-8859-15)
to codepage 37 (USA EBCDIC), including converting the
record delimiter from ASCII LF to EBCDIC NL.

Just a thought.


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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