On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 17:20:14 -0500, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

>on 10/24/2011 at 04:10 PM, Lizette Koehler <stars...@mindspring.com> said:
>>A programmer I am working with is getting a file from Unix which will
>>be sent to the mainframe.  This will be using FTP.
>What are the original and final character sets?
>>Is there a way to keep the CRLF command at the end of each line?
>Do you mean that the original file has CRLF rather than LF? Also, CRLF
>isn't a command just a CR character followed by an LF character. The
>easiest way is to use binary mode.
>>It seems the Unix CRLF is x'0A' whereas the mainframe is x'25'
>No; the Unix new line indication is LF (X'0A'), the windoze/DOS new
>line indication is CRLF (X'0D0A') and the z/OS new line indication for
>EBCDIC is NEL (X'25'). The LF and NEL represent new line, which is
>logically distinct from CRLF.
Ummm.  Not quite.  z/OS Unix System Services uses EBCDIC NL (x'15')
as the new line indication.  Then it violates the specifications of the
code pages by  translating LF(x'0A')<->NL(x'15') and NEL(x'85')<->LF(x'25')
converting  ASCII(ISO8859-1)<->EBCDIC(IBM-1047).  You once said
that CMS, which doesn't perform this twiddle 'DTRT'.

But, IMO, you have supplied less disinformation than any other contributor
to this thread.

>BTW, do local politics allow going directly to z/OS instead of
>through the W2008 box?
Of course not.  If it allowed the sensible solution, it wouldn't be politics.

More questions for Lizette:

o How is the UNIX file "receive[d] ... placed" on the Windows server:
  - Samba (details)?
  - other (specify; details)?
  My understanding is that while the Samba protocol is capable in some
  cases of performing ASCII<->EBCDIC translation, it will never perform
  newline conversion.  A plausible motivation is either not changing the
  file size or making the conversion bijective.

When the file is transferred (by FTP?) from the Windows server to z/OS,
where does the FTP client run?  Where does the FTP server run?

And, for other contributors to this thread:
o Why, nowadays, does anyone afflicted with Windows use Notepad rather
  than Wordpad?

And why does the silly-assed Solaris/Firefox spellchecker complain about

-- gil

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