On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 13:07:18 -0600, Steve Comstock wrote:

>On 4/17/2012 12:53 PM, McKown, John wrote:
>> As the OP, I thought I'm mention that I finally got the z/OS NFS server to
>allow me to mount a high-level onto a z/OS UNIX subdirectory on the same 
>Clever and resourceful. But certainly just a workaround for
>the situation: you would like the compilers to be able to
>use MVS data sets directly for SYSLIB (and other DD names).
More than "just a workaround".  It has the considerable collateral
benefit of making legacy data sets available for processing by
arbitrary USS commands.

The next thing I'd like to see (but I don't do COBOL) is removal
of contrived restrictions on the use of USS files and directories
by applications using QSAM/BSAM/BPAM.  For example I'd like to
be able to use a USS directory as SYSEXEC.  The only reason I
can't is that Rexx makes a test (only on the first catenand) on
DSORG that excludes USS directories.

-- gil

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