Hi Lizette,

Your right.. i think it's due to my inexperience in Z/OS.

The answers are
1. Z/OS 1.4
3. I must test a control that says: "Ensure that the creation / deletion of
all system objects is logged."

Until now I consider datasets and TCP connections, for both "systems
objects" I've the SMF records and the syslog.
But I don't know what other "objects" I should be looking for.

Thanks for your time and patience.

On 4/11/06, Lizette Koehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Luis,
> If you have a security group at your shop, I would start with them.  Each
> shop is configured differently.  There is no one way to do it.
> Also, MVS does not really use the term system level objects.  We have
> components that can be data sets, programs, connectivity, applications,
> and
> so on.
> Second, your question is not narrow enough.  What are you asking?  When
> you
> say Security are you talking RACF, ACF2, Top Secret?  What on the
> mainframe
> is your request for?
> Is management asking for a process to identify all functions in an
> MVS/zOS/Linux/Unix environments?
> If you could provide an example of what you are asking there might be a
> better way to answer your question.
> If you are talking MVS or z/OS then you might want to look at SMF data.
> Most functions that run in this operating system creates SMF
> records.  RACF
> uses SMF records.  Not sure what ACF2 or Top Secret might created.  But
> that
> is dependent on how your SMF and Security product is configured.
> So questions to answer
> 1)  What operating system?
> 2)  What security product?
>        a)  IF RACF then go to RACF-L
>        b)  If ACF2 then go to ACF2-L
>        c)  If Top Secret then see if RACF-L can help
> 3)  Define the question.
>        What question are you looking to answer?
> This will help others to help you.
> Lizette Koehler


Luís Correia

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