In addition to what Mr. Wolf said, I would recommend getting up to a more 
current version of the JVM (you're over a year out of date).  I also saw a 
thread on MVS-OE where you were discussing turning off JIT.  You can try it 
both ways.  It is often rather unusual circumstances where you would turn 
off the JIT, mostly for short jobs.

I'm not sure how you would specify JVM parameters with this product (if 
it's not abundantly clear, then you can always set them with the envvar 

To turn on verbose garbage collection (low overhead and very necessary):

You can set your JVM heap min (Xms) and max (Xmx) size (based on garbage 
collection output):
-Xms128M -Xmx200M

This switch will make things start up a little faster, but may slow things 
down in the long run.  I use it for shorter batch jobs:

You'll probably have a good time consulting the respective Diagnostic 
guide.  Here's a link to the 1.4.2 version:

What I see about tuning XML is to do things to the properties file for your 
parser (I think xerces is the default for this JVM? The product may want to 
use something else).


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