On Thu, 9 Nov 2006 10:16:19 -0600, Pommier, Rex R. wrote:
>Tom, and Jerry,   (and I'm not going to make any jokes....)
>Are you sure about the concatenation sequence?  (I almost said "issue"
>but decided not to)  According to the z/OS 1.4 documentation, and this
>what I remember from eons ago, that the first occurrence of a module is
>the one loaded into the PLPA, not the subsequent ones.  Here is the line
>from the Init and Tuning reference:
>"If a module exists in more than one library in the concatenation, the
>first occurrence of the module is placed in the PLPA.  Later occurrences
>are ignored."
But under the "Syntax rules for LPALSTxx" section in Init and Tuning 
Reference it also says: 
"Be careful not to specify the same data set name more than once in the 
LPALSTxx members. This applies to data sets with and without a VOLSER 
specified. The same data set name is concatenated as many times as it 
appears in all specified LPALSTxx members. Specifying the data set name 
more than once can cause additional processing during IPL, when the CLPA 
I find it odd that the section I quoted is immediately ahead of the section 
that you quoted.  I suspect that, perhaps, the "ignored" processing is 
either something added later (and the documentation was not properly 
updated to reflect the change) or else they have a funny (odd) way 
of 'actively ignoring' extra datasets which causes additional processing.  
I would, however, take the book's meaning to be that the module directory 
is NOT updated (at least as of, say, MVS 4.3 era; it may have been a 
usermod we had taht provided that function... maybe even one that I wrote
(?) in order to override the default SYS1.LPALIB insertion that MVS used to 
provide - whether you wanted it to or not).  
>A couple things to check, which you probably already have....
>Does the missing module in fact exist in the CICS 3.1 library?   Do you
>have a fixed LPA (check member IEAFIXxx) that may have the older
>module(s) in it?
>Is the CICS 3.1 library a PDS or a PDSE?  PDSEs (at least as of 1.4) are
>not eligible for LPA residency.
>Are the older modules in the MLPA?  This would be member IEALPAxx.  Both
>the FLPA and MLPA override the PLPA.
Jerry (and Rex), 
All good advice.  I would recommend running an AMBLIST LISTLPA and 2 
AMBLIST LISTLOADs with SYSLIB pointing to (one each) the two SDFHLPA 
libraries on disk.  That way you could establish the module sizes, both in 
storage and on disk in order to diagnose this, ahem, issue.  
Tom Schmidt 
Madison, WI 

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