Gregory, Gary G wrote:
TRIVIA: back in the 70's and 80's Texas state law prevented someone
using the title of "Engineer" unless they were licensed by the state.
So, our IBM SE's had the title of "Systems Representative" on their
business cards.

It still takes a place in Europe. Engineer is a title assigned by technical 
univeristy to a graduate.
In Poland (and not only) only government-approved organizations can be named university (or 
polytechnic) and only those schools can  assigne title of engineer. The same apply to medical 
doctor - only medical university can assign the title, only government-approved school can be 
medical univeristy. Any university (technical, medical, others) graduate is assigned with 
"magister" title. My dictionary says Master of Science, but I believe it's called 
"masters degree".

Radoslaw Skorupka (magister engineer)
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 0000025237
NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2007 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci 
opacony) wynosi 118.064.140 z. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchwa XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 
r., kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA moe ulec podwyszeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 
z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym bd w caoci opacone.

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