On May 24, 2007, at 7:41 AM, Mark Zelden wrote:

----------------- SNIP------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------
Too late.   They already accomplished what they wanted to - even if
Darren removes them now.  That also won't keep them from spamming
in the future unless we all change our email addresses. Unfortunately,
there is nothing Darren can do about someone legitimately subscribing
to IBM-MAIN and spamming the other subscribers.

Safe to say I would never consider giving them any business and I'm sure
most if not all the other spam-ees feel the same.

BTW, we don't need another 100 posts saying "I got one too".



I think that it is probably true. However it might help him figure out how they got the addresses. If not well at least Darren knows about it and might be able to stop it in the future.


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