On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:33:13 -0800, Edward Jaffe

>Mark Zelden wrote:
>> We can... and do have manuals on z/OS in one of our sysplexes.  I just
>> prefer library reader for win-doze over the mvs version.
>Seriously? Do you mean the old Library Reader or do you mean the newer,
>but definitely not better, Softcopy Reader.

The old one of course! (which is why I wrote "library reader" although
I didn't capitalize it).   I do have the new one installed on my
workstation because the old one doesn't support PDF bookshelves and
the WebSphere stuff is only available as PDF now.  

>We put our stuff on the mainframe and use web-based Library Server for
>z/OS to access via our Intranet. It provides the same interface IBM
>provides via the web as well as an Eclipse-style Information Center
>interface if one so chooses. The same books are also available under
>TSO/E for use with BookManager READ/MVS, which I use more than any other
>book reading interface!

I've never looked at doing that.   If it took extra cycles on z/OS
then that would be one more thing to add to our costs so I guess I 
shouldn't look at doing it.  At least not until it runs on a zAAP or zIIP. :-)
I have enough software to configure and support on z/OS as it is!  :-) :-)

I guess my preference is the windows version because that is what I have 
used since the CD collections became available.  Not many shops I've been 
at had it on MVS.  Here, the sysplex that read/mvs is on gets poor TSO 
response time as it is and I assume searches would go to TSO period 2 or 3. 
I know the guys that grew up with that sysplex (I inherited it via
use it on MVS.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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