The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Neal Eckhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We also had the batch window running so long that we were missing
> deadlines, and the CIO asked me to review the program stream to see
> what could be done to make it run faster (yea, good luck with that,
> they were all database programs and that's a different group). I told
> him that our new CPU (of essentially the same speed) that was due to
> arrive in two weeks had two processors rather than the four processors
> our current machine had, and the problem would probably be resolved
> with the installation of our new CPU.

re: CPU time differences for the same job

the issue raised in post about disk thruput ... was over a period of
years, processors got around 50 times faster in a period that disks only
got 3-4 (maybe 5) times faster. Some claims are that the relative
abundance of processor power led to a lot of (processor) implementation
inefficiencies ... which could be relatively straight forwardly improved
if anybody were to pay any attention. 

as circuit size decreased ... and processor thruput increased ... lots
of signal latencies started to play larger and larger factor. the
latencies (measured in number of processor cycles) that played a part in
processor/disk thruput ... started to also dominant processor & real
storage ... and in much the same way that real storage started to be
used as caches to compensate for disk thruput ... processor caches
became more & more important compensating for memory latency. in fact,
using processor cycles as a measure of memory access time ... became one
way of easily recognizing the problem (memories got faster, but
processors got much, much faster) ... especially when references were to
cache-miss and memory latency measured in possibly thousands of
processor cycles.

for little drift, recent posts mentioning improving application hitting
(overnight) batch window limits Too much change opens up financial 
fault lines Job add for z/OS systems programmer 

and for something totally different ... recent discussion of electronic
commerce implementations running into problems hitting overnight window
limit Human error tops the list of security 

multitasking and multithreading have been used in the past attempting to
mask disk access latencies ... keeping processor busy while something
was wait for disk access.

earlier in this decade ... there were chip "hyperthreading" solutions
also looking at keeping processor functional units busy
... compensate/mask cache-miss & memory access latency. the number of
processor functional units weren't actually increased ... but there was
hardware emulation of two processors ... basically two instruction
streams, two sets of registers, etc ... but actual execution being done
by common functional units.

possibly the original in this genre was a project to do a dual i-stream
implementation for 370/195 (i.e. emulation of two-processor smp)
... which never actually shipped as product. the issue was that 195 had
a 64 instruction pipeline that could execute instructions concurrently
with common set of functional units. the pipeline could go a long way
towards masking the difference in processor thruput and memory latency
(w/o actually having a cache). The problem was that the amount of
processor logic/memory supporting this function was rather limited.
These days, chip implementations may have several hundred positions for
dealing with branch prediction and speculative execution (and backing
out instructions not actually branched to). In the 370/195, except in
very special cases, branches would drain the pipeline. Normal codes,
with typical branch useage, resulted in 195 running at half peak thruput
(it took careful programming to keep 195 operating at peak thruput).
The "idea" behind the dual i-stream was to have two sets of independent
instruction streams ... both operating at half peak thruput ... but
combined, capable of keeping the 195 pipeline fully stocked with

misc. past posts mentioning dual i-stream as (one of the) mechanism for
compensating/masking increasing memory latencies (as measured in
processor cycles) IBM 370/195 The Chronology Power4 = 2 cpu's on die? 360/370 instruction cycle time Pentium 4 SMT "Hyperthreading" Hyper-Threading Technology - Intel 
information. Pipelining in the past Pipelining in the past IBM Manuals from the 1940's and 1950's S/360 undocumented instructions? Hyperthreading vs. SMP dual processors: not just for 
breakfast anymore? A POX on you, Dennis Ritchie!!! Integer types for 128-bit addressing [Lit.] Buffer overruns The Soul of Barb's New Machine (was 
Re: creat) System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded Intel engineer discusses their 
dual-core design Multicores IBM 610 workstation computer IBM 610 workstation computer IBM 610 workstation computer IBM 610 workstation computer The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad 
As All That Was FORTRAN buggy? Very slow booting and running and 
brain-dead OS's? The Future of CPUs: What's After 
Multi-Core? Beyond multicore Abend S0C0 Intel memory latencies

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