Andrew McIntyre wrote:

It's true that the base TEP USS workspace has the word "overview" in it. However, as with all OMEGAMON TEP workspaces, you have to right click to see what else is available.

In the USS case, there are hundreds of metrics externalized to the out of the box workspaces. There are nine additional workspaces that I would like to have shown with an attachment but this list server doesn't allow that so....

Then of course, there are all the out of the box situations and queries pertaining to USS, another few dozen or so.

It's a very comprehensive USS monitor and as someone mentioned, it's included with the OMEGAMON XE for z/OS product.
ICKY. So I have to put in the XE piece and access the TEMS to look at anything. The setup for that has pretty bad and confusing documentation, and is an unwieldy implementation. Besides, I was told by Omegamon support that there was nothing in the GUI that I couldn't get to in the VTAM classic sessions, it would just look better and could be analyzed using Excel and the like. Did it occur to anyone in Omegamon support that I might like to look at the TSO/VTAM CUA type display?


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