On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:00:40 -0500, Tom Marchant wrote:

>On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:27:34 -0400, Jerry Fuchs wrote:
>>I am trying to apply maintenance to z/OS 1.7 but received a D37-04 in
>>three libraries.
>>Of course all three are link listed libraries.
>>I can allocate .NEW libraries and copy into them, but how do I then rename
>>them to the original name?
>I assume that you are not applying maintenance on the live system.
>If you have the proper authority, you can rename a data set even though
>there is an ENQ on that DSNAME.  ISPF allows this.  For the required 

If you're just trying to get past the enqueue and are not updating a running 
system, then you can stop LLA, unallocate LINKLIST and do whatever you 
want to with the libraries. I usually do this while I'm working on our tech 
to expand linklisted libraries getting them ready to migrate to production 
volumes. I wouldn't do this when your system is real busy and be careful.

I didn't know you could have authority to change a dataset while an enqueue 
is held though. That is probably a better and safer route. I'm going to check 
into that.

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