Thank you for all your answers and hints!

1.  Trimming the trailing blanks:

Unfortunately I do not have any RegEx-capable program at work and UltraEdit 
is not in our software catalog.

Anyhow, I've got the following Information offline:

<----- snip ----->
Hi, i normally use Notepad++ (free product) on my PC. 
Paste into Notepad++ 
TextFX -- TextFX Edit -- Trim Trailing Spaces 
cntl-c (cntl-x to cut instead of copy) 
go paste into the email 
<----- snip ----->

The homepage is

< >

It works!

2. Truncating trailing blanks in variable records

We have ISPF Productivity Tool (ex-SPIFFY) active (to get EDSET command I 
had to logon with vanilla ISPF). Saving the edited file brings a pop-up window 
IQIESAVV with the following text:

<----- snip ----->
You are about to truncate all trailing blanks of each record.

Truncate trailing blanks?  Y (yes) or N (no) ---> N

         Specify your choice and press ENTER.
         Enter END or CANCEL to cancel this request.
<----- snip ----->

The default is always "N", independent of the value in the profile???? (Maybe I 
am the only person ever to try this feature in SPIFFY? :-))

Thank you once more and have a nice day!


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