Mark Zelden sed :

> Using TM I wrote
> a message to the joblog and the syslog when used.  To the job to
> warn the programmer (which wouldn't work anyway because they
> don't pay close attention) and to the syslog so I could scan and
> follow up after the fact.    

Not having access to handy 3rd party tools as Mark obviously does, I
wrote my own - via a JES(2) exit. The DBAs insisted they absolutely
*had* to have a series of dsn aliases (alii ??? - cue John/gil/... for a
treatise on derivation) for such as SYS1.DSNLOAD, SYS1.DSNEXIT ... etc
Serious PITA at version cutover when we might have 2 versions active.
I trapped the converted text of every batch job in the place and cut an
SMF record when we had a hit. Those ones all got changed - missed some
stuff on the DEVL LPAR, but that was a matter of "tell some-one who
cares - fix it".
Wouldn't work for module loads, but could catch dodgy DSN references in

Shane ...

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