Assumptions about the state of uninitialized storage can bite the best
of us.  Last year we ran into a problem with the Cobol code generated
by the SQL Coprocessor using Enterprise Cobol 3.3 under DB2 V8.

In the SQL---PLIST it was generating the following FILLER area:

02 SQL---STMT-NUM    PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
02 FILLER          PIC X(20).

Apparently the FILLER area is used by DB2 to store some bit switches
and its logic assumes that initially the FILLER contains x'00'.
*Usually* this is true, but we ran into some very weird application
abends in an IMS MPR.  .

It turned out that we were a bit behind in our Cobol maintenance.
After the maintenance was applied the generated code changed to:

02 SQL---STMT-NUM    PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
02 FILLER          PIC X(20) VALUE IS

In my experience this is the first time that a programmer's protest
that "It's not my fault!" turned out to be true.  :-)

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