Mark Zelden wrote:

>It's not on my web site.
>1) It is IBM copyrighted code.
>2) My changes were done for a client.
>But my comments that I posted told you exactly what I changed from the sample 
>and the IBM changes match exactly what you posted.

Thanks. I will look around, reread your kind comments and check up my SMFDUMP 

Tom Marchant wrote:

>If it is not SMFDUMP that is issuing the reserve, who is?

This is what one of my z/OS guys and gals asked me. I will look into this.

Andy Wood wrote:

>Any GRS exits?


Barbara Nitz wrote:

>IIRC, if IOS reports ???? for a system name, that means that it cannot 
>determine which system it is. Which means that it isn't running in the same 
>sysplex. So who else outside that plex have you accessing those DASD? What has 
>that lpar id?

I have looked around. No one outside the plex is accessing those DASD. I'm 
considering moving my SMF datasets (all of them) somewhere else, so they're 
residing somewhere not busy and NOT being duplicated to a remote site.

>We are issuing the I SMF via automation at midnight everywhere, and the 
>resulting switch message is automated to start the SMFDUMP program. No 
>reserves here; we hang on the base of the GDG we dump to (as in: One system 
>can have it to roll in a new gdg, the others wait until that dump is done).

Good to see what you also do. Each LPAR gets a turn to do the switch after 
midnight. During the 24 hours as soon as a *IEE391A appears that SMF dataset is 
dumped immediately, we don't wait for the last one or buffers being filled up. 

I will see if I can have our automation issue 'I SMF' themselve instead of 
SMDUMP and then have IFASMFDP read those SMF datasets in. 

Anyway to all: 
Many thanks for all your kind comments, I value all of them. For now I have 
staggered these jobs, so they won't run simultaneausly. I will investigate all 
comments and see what I can do.

Again thanks! This discussions was really fruitful, I'm proud of all of you who 
commented. :-)

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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