In <>, on 07/23/2012
   at 03:45 PM, Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> said:

>Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?

The WSJ has always had better[1] journalistic standards in the news
than on the editorial page. It's no surprise that an editorial is full
of errors.

>co-worker from the IBM science center:

There's an error in that article and in the RSCS article; RSCS uses
connection-oriented protocols, not connectionless protocols.

>and then after another decade morphs into HTML

It would be more acurate to say that HTML was originally an SGML

[1] But not as good as I would have liked.

     Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
     Atid/2        <>
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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