On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:12:14 +0000, David Stokes wrote:

>>>Otoh, without Windows, who really would have been using the Internet
>>Pretty much everybody who is now. Without windows they'd be running,
>>e.g., OS/2, MacOS, Linux.
>I remember struggling to get TCP/IP to work on OS/2 for our 
>P/390. So much for OS/2.

I bought my first IBM-comapatible computer early in 1995.   It 
came with Windows 3.1 installed and I bought OS/2 Warp 3 
with it.  Installed OS/2 and quickly connected via dial-up. 
At about the same time, I got my first computer at work, also 
with OS/2 Warp 3, which I installed and connected via ethernet 
with no problem.

>I was connecting with bulletin boards and using the 
>Compuserve network back then (remember me?)

I was doing the same in the early 1980's, with my second 
computer.  And in 1973 I was occasionally using the Merit 
network to connect to work, so that I could work from home.

>W95 was the first OS that made using the Internet more 
>or less practical (well, for normal people).


>Linux was almost uninstallable for non-specialists until 
>sometime in the 2000s (and maybe still is) 


>And re IE and Mac, well IE was the standard browser 
>for many years, I seem to recall.

That's what M$ wants you to believe.  And what M$ tried
to force upon you.

>Also we know what a lover Apple is of open systems.

What does that have to do with this discussion?
Are you a troll?

>Of course back then they were competing with MS.

Back when?  1977?  1980? Nope.

>After getting their successful iPhone monopoly the gloves came off. 

iPhone monopoly?  If you mean that you can only get an iPhone 
from Apple, that's about as useful as saying that Ford has an 
F-150 monopoly.  If you mean that Apple has monopolized the 
smart phone market, you have it wrong.  They may be the most 
popular.  That doesn't make them a monopoly.  Microsoft has a 
monopoly on desktop operating systems.  Apple does not have 
a monopoly on smart phones.  To the extent that they might 
have for a while, it was because they designed and marketed 
an innovative product.  One that many people want.

Tom Marchant

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